Veterans Socials - Fostering Community Connections

Veterans Socials
Building social support systems with Veterans in the community is an important part of ensuring Veterans’ overall health. Veterans Socials enhance communication and foster bonds among Veterans and others in the community. They are a place to meet friends, find resources, and have fun with other Veterans and community members. These Socials come in many forms, and we encourage hosts to shape them based on attendees’ needs and preferences.
You Can Start a Social Group for Veterans
Over time, proper social support can improve physical and mental health. To foster healthy social interaction and avoid isolation among Veterans, VA has developed a guide to setting up Veterans’ social groups for use by Veterans, community leaders, and others. Watch this video to learn more about the quick start guide and to start your own Veterans Social.
Quick Start Guide for Veterans Socials
Download this quick start guide if you’re interested in setting up and hosting a Social near you. The guide explains how to start a group, how to reach Veterans in your area, and how to ensure that your Social is successful in fostering connections among Veterans and others in their community.
Optional Downloadable Assets
- Social Planning Worksheet
This worksheet will help you determine a location for your Social, identify supportive members of the community, and brainstorm ways to overcome potential barriers. - Social Flyer Template
Download this template to create a flyer for your Social, and look at this example flyer for inspiration. You can customize the flyer to fit your gathering and post flyers where Veterans in your area may see them, like at a local Veterans organization. - Social Icons
Download these icons so you can add them to your Social’s materials and use them on social media. - National Resources Form
This document lists national resources for Veterans on benefits, employment services, mental health services, housing assistance, and more. Download this form to share with interested Veterans at each Social. - Key Contacts Template
Use this template to list local resources for Veterans, such as social opportunities and contact information for Veterans organizations and community services. Hosts and other Social leaders should fill in the template but may seek input from Veterans in the area. - Fidelity Checklist
Socials are not one-size-fits-all and can be adapted for different locations and situations. As your Social evolves, use this checklist to keep track of the basic requirements of all Socials.